Monday, June 4, 2012

June1: The Last Week

During the last week we did some final things like my last dive, sugar cane train, and Disney land.

            On the first dive we rode a current around a reef and saw a few big sharks. On the second dive we saw a frog fish, we also saw an octopus that swam away from the instructor and my mom caught it, then my mom let it go and it swam through my grandpa’s legs, also the instructor let a shrimp go in his mouth the shrimp cleans his teeth.

On Monday we rode the sugar cane train. This is a train that is supposed to go to a sugar cane field but it turned around before we got there. During the train ride the train stopped at a station and we got shaved ice, during the whole trip there was trees that whipped in the sides and hit our heads. At two areas the train stopped to blow steam when it blew steam it shot a big cloud out the side and some of the carts got wet from the steam. At the end I got a squished penny with the train on it.

The next night we flew to LAX, Los Angeles Airport, and in the morning we went to Disney land and California adventure. Our favourites were the California Screamer and the Tower of Terror. The California Screamer is a roller coaster that has a loop-de-loop in it. The Tower of Terror is a ride where you go into an elevator, it goes to the top of a creepy hotel, and opens its door to see the whole park then drops straight down to the bottom. After Disney land we stayed in a hotel for the night then flew to Vancouver and home.