Saturday, May 12, 2012

Friday, May 11th: Diving!

Today we woke up at 5:30a.m. to go scuba diving. I thought we were going to drive there but it was close enough to walk to. While there I got fitted for a wet suit and mask. Later the boat got into the water and we got on board.

At the first dive site there were two coral reefs. At the coral reefs I saw a Hawaiian white spotted Toby, an orange band surgeon fish, and a lot of lau’i Pala yellow tang. My Mom saw a thread fin butterfly fish. On this dive I felt a lot different than when I was practicing my skills because I didn’t have to be looking at my instructor, watching for him to show me a skill every second of the dive. While going down you twist and turn and do not notice you are equalizing because you just do it naturally.

            On the second dive we went to a shipwreck that has green sea turtles. There was a red spiky sea cucumber and a black sea cucumber.  We swam through the shipwreck.  When my dad went in, a green sea turtle followed him.  My mom wished she had the camera at that moment because it looked like the turtle was thinking “my turn!” when he followed everyone else into the shipwreck. 

            My favorite part of the day was when we went into the shipwreck because it looked really cool in there and it was my first time going inside a shipwreck under water.  Now that I have my dive certification I can go diving next week with my dad and mom and my uncle Anthony. 

            Tomorrow my uncle Anthony graduates from medical school.  Now he is a doctor.  We feel very proud of him and we are excited for him to come to Hawaii with my auntie Amanda and their two children who are my cousins, Sydney and Cade.  They are coming here on Sunday.
 In the photo above you can see me on the dive boat.
 In the above photo is me with a turtle - without my regulator (I learned to do this for photos from my Dad).
In this photo you can see all of my dive gear.

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