Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Wednesday May 9 2012: Road to Hana

Yesterday we went on a road trip on a road called the Road to Hana. This is a Road that winds

curving in a zigzag pattern through a forest with places to stop that have waterfalls, pools, and

walking trails in gardens and to bigger waterfalls than at the other stops.  At the first stop there 

was a fruit stand where you could get coconuts that you could drink the coconut water from.  It 

tastes really good with a slight amount of bitterness.

 At the next stop we went to a pool at the bottom of a small waterfall.  To get to the trail to the 

pool you have to climb over a small wall which is really fun because there are vines hanging 

over the wall and you can go up them like you are cliff-hanging.  Below is a picture of Miya and 

me climbing up the wall.
For lunch we went to a Thai food restaurant in Hana.  I thought the food there tasted great 

because it was freshly made and had mahi mahi fish in it.  Below is a picture of us at the Thai 

 After Hana there is a park called Haleakala National Park with a trail that goes to a big water 

fall and another trail that goes to seven pools but the tide was too high to swim in the pools. So 

we went to the big water fall instead. On the way there was a banyan tree that you can climb on 

so I climbed to the big center of it but my mom wouldn’t let me climb any higher so I climbed 

back down to where my dad could pick me off of the tree branch I was dangling from and put 

me on the ground.   

After the banyan tree we walked through a giant bamboo forest.  When we 

were walking through the bamboo forest there was a slight breeze which shook the bamboo 

and made a beautiful sound.   

After we got back from the waterfall we drove back to the condo and had pizza for supper, went 

to sleep and woke up today.

Today I went to dive class and took a test about diving and we were going to go diving but the 

water was too rough to dive. So we ended several hours early and we studied the rest of the 

book about diving because the instructor told us to.

After lunch we went to Yogurtland which is a place where you get frozen yogurt.  My sister and 

I both think that they just say it’s yogurt but it tastes more like ice cream.  We like it so much 

because there are many flavors ranging from cookies, berries to just plain vanilla.  Once you 

choose your yogurt you can put toppings on it.  I like to put on it caramel cups and graham 

cracker crumbs.  Now we are waiting for supper.  To cook supper we go down to the grill 

outside (the grill’s name is “the banana grill”) and cook our meat and other stuff.  After we cook 

the food we bring it back upstairs to our condo and eat it.

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