Wednesday, May 2, 2012

May 1 Monday 2012: So Many Plane Rides!

Today we had to ride two planes. The first ride was two hours long (from Vancouver to LAX), but the second one was five hours long (from LAX to Maui). On the first ride I was still quite tired from the night before flight to Vancouver.  This allowed me to sleep easily but after the ride (from FSJ to Vancouver) I was wide awake and wanting something to do.  This resulted in me going ahead of the rest of my family and going outside when we were still supposed to be inside.  Right now I am on the five hour flight and quite jittery which is why I have already done some homework and am doing my blog and wanting this plane ride to be over. My interesting fact is that I learned today is that L.A.X. airport is very confusing and shaped like a horseshoe.  It has lots of different terminals and there is no signs and the terminals are not connected to each other. This made changing terminals very challenging.  We are finally in Hawaii and it is very exciting with all the birds and palm trees. It has been two years since we last came here and both my grandparents, my Aunt Amanda and Uncle Anthony, my cousins Sidney and Cade and Uncle David are coming too. I can’t wait to get to the beach!

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