Saturday, May 19, 2012

Saturday May 19 2012: luau!

            Yesterday morning we went to Ulua Beach and snorkeled for a while. I only snorkeled for a few minutes during which I saw a flounder and fish with whiskers that it puts in the sand. A flounder is a fish that has both eyes on one side. After that I made my name in the sand with sand castle buckets. When I finished that I rode the waves without boogie boards or surfboards. This is called body-surfing. Then my family and I went back to the condo to get ready for the luau.

            Later that night we went to a luau at a hotel called the Grand Wailea. At this luau you had unlimited drinks and food for free. Everyone in my family went there. First thing they did was get some entertainment, which was bowling with a stone between two sticks, and tattoos. I got a shark tattoo and played a lot of the bowling. My Cousin Sidney’s favourite part was when we went on to the stage and hula danced; she went right up when they called for volunteers! Later they pulled a pig out of the ground where they had placed it earlier that day and it had cooked there throughout the day. Still later they told legends about gods and goddesses. When they finished with that they showed fire dancers. They had batons and one side was flaming. They lit the other side by putting their hand on the flaming side and moved their hand to the other side. During this I got a shark tooth necklace at some vendors’ tables where they were selling crafts.  When they finished the dancing the luau was over. So we went back to the condo and slept to morning.


  1. Liam what is the air cave like. Can you breathe in there or what? ML
    How many sharks and turtles have you seen? JM
    Why don't you make some more videos? KH LR
    Do fire dancers ever get their grass skirts on fire? QS

  2. yes you can breath in an air cave.
    I have seen five sharks and seven turtles.
    it takes a really long time to upload videos but I will put one in mine today.
    they do.on purpose even.
