Friday, May 25, 2012

Thursday may 24: lava tube

On Tuesday we all went on the road to Hana but we only stopped twice, once at a black sand beach and once at a lava tube. My favourite was the lava tube. The black sand beach is like a normal beach but it has black sand. The sand is black because it is made from lava rock being ground down by the waves. While we were there we body surfed in the waves that were taller then I can jump over (only my head over). My sister started to body surf near the end. The sand was so mouldable that you can have snow ball fights.

            The lava tube was a bit later on the road. A lava tube is a long cave made by lava flow. There has not been any lava for thousands of years. So now it is safe to walk through. You are given flashlights to see because there is no light to about half way through. You access the lava tube through an air vent cave-in. The lava tube is very long. At the beginning there are some rocks that look like a moray eel head. Later there was a rail that made it look like it is over but I discovered that the path goes around it. Later there is an air vent that is hidden from the top and you could accidently walk and fall into if you were on the ground above the lava tube. Right after that there is a duck under that leads to an area that looks like there is chocolate melting off the roof (a duck under is something you duck under). Later there is the end of the tour but t you can turn left and go into a backflow. A backflow is where the lava flows backwards. The back flow only goes about thirty feet. And at the end there is a little cave that is ½ a foot tall. Later we back tracked to the entrance. After that we came back to the condo.

1 comment:

  1. Liam if lava tubes come from lava where is the lava now? CW
    Where are you swimming in the video?JW
