Saturday, May 5, 2012

Saturday May 5 2012: swimming

Early this morning I didn’t want to get out of bed but my mom got me out of bed by saying she’ll make baked oatmeal when we come back from running. Before that she lifted me to my feet and said “get up.” in my ear. While we were running Dad was scuba diving off a boat.  When he was diving he saw a spotted eagle ray. We “ran” for 30 minutes. After that we went to the pool. While there I snorkeled in the pool and got accidently elbowed by my dad in the mask and got punched in the side of the head again accidently.

            Right now I’m studying about scuba diving so that I can go diving tomorrow and two other days at least. I need to study so I’m ready for my jr. open water Padi diving certification. While I was reading my study book I learned that you need to wash all your equipment after diving with fresh water so that salt and dirt won’t wreck it, I also learned that there are three types of buoyancy: positive, neutral and negative. Positive is when you displace less water than is around you. Neutral is when you place the same amount of water then is around you. Negative is when you displace more water then is around you. when you have positive you float , neutral you stay in one place, and negative you sink.  I also learned that BCD means buoyancy control device. A BCD is like a life jacket but helps you sink or float. Last night we went to Bubba Gump’s restaurant for supper and after that we went to the banyan tree in Lahaina and I climbed on it until I saw the no climbing sign which my dad took a picture of with me climbing on the tree in the background.

In the picture at the top of this post we are at the banyan tree and my sister photo-bombed me (photo-bombing is when someone jumps into your photo at the last moment).


  1. does your face still hurt? what is the weather like? what kind of fish did you see ? logan would like to know if you breathe through your nose or your mouth when you go snorkling?

  2. for starters my face didn't hurt after three seconds, the weather is very warm all the time, I havn't seen very many fish but i did see a puffer fish. I havn't seen a lot of fish because my dive got chnged to Wednesday. Tell logan that you breath with your mouth threw a snorkle witch is a long tube that bends from your mouth to the side of your head. You can't breath through your nose because you wear a diving mask that covers your eyes and nose.
