Monday, May 7, 2012

Monday may 7 2012: snorkeling

Today I am going to talk about yesterday because we are having an inside day because too many people got sun burns and/or scrapes but we had a lot of fun. Yesterday we started the day by going snorkeling at a fish preserve.  While there I saw many fish, one of which was a puffer fish that was black with white spots, and another fish that the tail area was white and the front was black with a orange spot. But eventually I got freezing cold and had to hug my mom for warmth which gave her her daily workout (because hugging someone while snorkeling is hard work).  Eventually I got too cold to snorkel anymore.  On the way back to shore I scraped my knee on corral which stung but the worse matter was that I was so cold my lips were blue.  My sister had also gotten scraped on her elbow and thigh, and my grandma got cut on her hand. On the way home I sat in the car wrapped in a blanket. When we got home we had lunch then went to the beach across the street and I snorkeled and saw big chunks of  corral and found one surprisingly close to the edge of the water. After that we went to the pool for a bit and swam then came back to the condo for supper.  My favorite part of the day was when we went snorkeling at Kamaole beach because I went really far out in the water and found little pieces of corral without getting hurt.  While there I saw one fish swimming out of the corral.  He was brown with black spots.  Tomorrow we are going drive on the road to Hana.  On the way there we are going to find waterfalls with pools at the bottom of them and we are going to swim in them. 
In the video at the top of this post my mom is petting an octopus while diving.  The dive master is the one holding the octopus.

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